Star Wars Squadrons has an all new story trailer to enjoy

During Gamescom Opening Night Live, EA dropped a trailer for the story side of Star Wars Squadrons, and while some detail was given for both, more information was provided for a mission that sides with the Empire, check it out.
As the game tells both sides of the conflict, story was going to be crucial and Motive have been working with Lucasfilm to create one that makes sense.
Once we decided Squadrons would have a single-player story, the emerging gameplay set out the foundations. Players would need to learn to fly ships from both factions, so I knew we’d be telling our story from both an Imperial and New Republic point of view. The story also had to work from a first-person perspective, mostly from the cockpit, with two customisable protagonists from opposing factions, while giving players the fun characters and memorable moments they expect from a Star Wars tale. One of the most interesting things about the time period Squadrons is set in—only a few months after the Battle of Endor—is that while we, the audience, know how all this ends, from our characters’ point of view there’s still a lot of uncertainty. The New Republic has only recently changed from a rebellion into a legitimate government with a galactic war on its hands. Meanwhile, the Empire has lost its Emperor, and the cracks are starting to show. Some Imperials are loyal, some are in denial, and while everyone agrees that the rebels must be destroyed, there are disagreements about what strategy to take—and who should lead - said Jo Berry, Writer for the game.
There is a full breakdown of what the story is and what your place is in the world, on the games official site, so have a read of it. The game is releasing on Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4 on October 2nd,