Stronghold Warlords is keeping the campaign going with a post release roadmap

Firefly Studios have released their post-release roadmap for Stronghold Warlords, showing off a high level of what is to come to the game, over the next few months. They also released a video, as they do, talking about it, check that out below.
The roadmap, as indicated by Firefly, has been divided into two separate tracks, titled minor and major updates, talk about a fun naming system. Players won’t have to wait long for the first of the ‘Minor’ updates, as one arrives today with the addition of Extreme Difficulty and numerous AI improvements, which will be aimed at improving core gameplay and adding smaller features.
“This first phase in our overall roadmap of updates for Warlords covers the spring and early summer period” said Nick Tannahill, Marketing Director and resident castle lover at Firefly Studios. “We have additional smaller patches planned of course and then more to come in the second half of the year, however everything covered in our announcement will be added to the game free for all players”.
Later on players can expect further AI updates, stability improvements, more maps, fixes, quality of life features and series staple features, such as controllable AI invasions in Free Build mode. Check out the spiffy infographic below, to see what is coming still.
As requested in post-release feedback, Stronghold: Warlords will first receive a new AI character in the form of Sun Tzu. Available in skirmish mode, multiplayer and all future updates, Sun Tzu will provide players with fresh armies to battle, castles to besiege and tactics to outmaneuver. Following this a larger ‘Skirmish Trail #1’ update is planned for the early summer. The game’s first skirmish trail update will add 10 single player missions, a new unit in the Samurai Lancer and two warlords with unique abilities. The Beetle Warlord in particular is a response to player feedback, introducing the power to heal battlefield units using the new Field Hospital structure. Both major updates, as well as future planned content additions, will aim to improve the content on offer in the core game in both single player and multiplayer modes.