Tales of Arise gets a new trailer, to introduce the last members of the party

During the Summer Games Fest Kick-Off show, Bandai Namco dropped a new trailer for Tales of Arise, which is coming Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 on September 10, check it out.
The new trailer highlights the region of Elde Menancia, which is a luxurious and diverse region of Dahna, and its capital of Viscint. It is here that players will meet Kisara and Dohalim, the final two characters to join Alphen, Shionne, Rinwell and Law in their quest to free Dahna from Renan oppression.
Dohalim is a noble from Rena with very different feelings toward Dahnans compared to other Renans. He is a very well-mannered gentleman with a particular sensibility towards forms of art like music, poetry or antiquities. He fights using his rod with a mix of techniques and astral artes making him able to adapt to his opponents.
Kisara is a Dahnan soldier who accompanies Dohalim. One of the most powerful soldiers in the Dahnan army, she is also highly regarded by Renan soldiers, even while using their equipment. She uses her hammer and shield to deal strong damages in close combat, but can also use her shield to protect her friends while unleashing high-powered and wide-ranging defensive techniques.