The Big Stories You May Have Missed Last Week

Each week there are a lot of news stories that come through, some are massive enough that they generate conversation, then there are those that can just slide on by.
This weekly post will allow you to catch up on the bigger stories of the week that was, ensuring you didn’t miss anything.
Xbox Is Bringing Their Showcase To Gamescom
Much like they did during E3 2021, Xbox are hosting another showcase for their games, along with a smattering of third party offers. What will be shown, who knows, updates for Halo and Flight Sim are likely, but in years past, Xbox has treated Gamescom as more of a PC focused show, so maybe Age of Empires 4, only time will tell.
PAX Australia 2021 Has Been Cancelled
While the idea of attending PAX Australia in person was very appealing, the ever changing world meant that there was always a chance it would not go ahead and that is what happened last week, the show was cancelled. Anyone who has bought tickets, will get a full refund and there are plans to do some online shows, but more details are still needed for that.
Another ID@Xbox Showcase, Highlights A Wealth Of Indie Titles
The second id@Xbox indie showcase happened last week and gave us plenty of games to look at, from titles being brought over from PC and mobile, to all new games, there is a heck of a lot to discover.
Here Are All The Games Shown During The Latest Indie World Showcase
Nintendo roll out these Indie World events pretty regularly and having one come days after Xbox, made the week feel like it was the week of the indie developer. Having games like Axiom Verge 2 release during he showcase, made it feel extra special as well, which is always nice.
QuakeCon 2021 Schedule Is Out And Packed With Content To See
QuakeCon 2021 opted to go the digital route once more this year and now we know what their plans are, as the full schedule has been released. From streams about life at a Bethesda studio, to gourmet cooking, there is content that covers the spectrum of the Bethesda family.
Last week was packed, so many indie games being showcased and multiple showcases being revealed, as Gamescom slowly approaches. What news made you happy, sound off and let us know.