The Big Stories You May Have Missed Last Week

Each week there are a lot of news stories that come through, some are massive enough that they generate conversation, then there are those that can just slide on by.
We kicked off the week with the reveal of Kingdom Hearts 4 and then ended it with a deep dive into the world of the Bretons with Elder Scrolls Online. In between there was a lot, though given it was a shorter week, it was quieter than normal, but still there was enough to enjoy.
Kingdom Hearts 4 Is Real And Takes Sora To An All-New World
When Kingdom Hearts 3 released, I honestly thought the series was done, turns out I was wrong, there was more to tell and see, with Sora now in a world that looks a lot like modern day Tokyo, minus the giant shadow monster. There is more to the world than what the trailer sees, but we will need to wait until we learn more about it
Bugsnax Is Set To Expand Later This Month, Both In Content Offer And Platforms Its On
One of the PlayStation 5s first big indie games, it gained a lot of attention for its charming and fun gameplay, now a new - free - expansion is coming, with the game also making the jump to all the other consoles at the same time.
Learn More About The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle With This Developer Roundtable
With a new expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online coming, there was going to be a lot to learn about the new land, threats and characters. The team at Zenimax Online Studios have done that, or at least started to tease about it, with a new developer roundtable
QuakeCon 2022 Logs Back Online For A Digital Only Event
Having been digital only for a few years now, a little pandemic can stop it entirely, some hoped that QuakeCon 2022 would be back to in person, but it is not, the team have confirmed it is a digital only event again this year. But 2023 will see things going back to normal for the show
The Music Of These PlayStation Icons Can Be Yours, As New Vinyl Prints Are Coming Soon
Three iconic PlayStation series have been given a chance to share their music with vinyl releases, complete with amazing colours in the discs. Prices are not bad for the discs, but shipping is going to destroy you, as one of them is $100 USD minimum for basic shipping