The Big Stories You May Have Missed Last Week

Each week there are a lot of news stories that come through, some are massive enough that they generate conversation, then there are those that can just slide on by.
News is likely going to be slower than normal for the rest of the year, as the big games start to release and the events come to an end, but there will still be some one offs here and there.
The First Details On The Return Of E3 Have Been Announced
We knew that E3 2023 was going to return as an in-person event this coming year, but now we have our first details, including a fourth day that is for consumers only and while details are not set in stone, things are shaping up to be a big change
Dragonflight Is Set To Take Flight This November
After being announced back in April, the team behind World of Warcraft’s newest expansion had been mostly quiet on it, so many were thinking it would not release this year, but it seems that was not the case, as the expansion will release at the end of November
Ubisoft Has Delayed Skull And Bones Once More, Now Expecting To Release It In March 2023
After countless public delays and likely more internally, Skull and Bones was finally given an actual release date, not a year or a quarter, but an actual date. But like the chopping waters of the games rough development, this one didn’t stick either as the game has been delayed another 4 months
Intel Have Unveiled Their 13th Gen CPU, Codenamed Raptor Lake
CPU generations are a big deal and Intel think that their new 13th gen is the biggest, as the entire line-up is dedicated to multi-tasking, so no matter if you are gaming and rendering a video, or doing multiple 3d renders at once, these new CPUs should be able to handle everything you demand from them
The Last Of Us, The Tv Show, Gets A Full Trailer
We got a brief glimpse a few weeks back in a montage, but now The Last of Us, the tv series has a full teaser trailer for the show, which gives us a good look at some of the characters and settings, some of which appear to be a shot for shot recreation from the game
So those were the bigger stories from the week that was, do any of them interest you?