The Deathloop soundtrack is one you should put on loop and now you can

Bethesda and Laced Records are teaming up once again, to bring the music of Deathloop to players around the world, via two new sets of vinyl prints.
Those interested can opt for the four disc deluxe set, which comes with 59 tracks remastered for vinyl, you can order the coloured discs here, but it is also available with black discs.
For those who are on a budget, there is the cheaper two disc set, which comes with 19 tracks remastered for the vinyl medium, you can order that here.
The full track list for both are below, but until production commences, things can change.
Here is the track listing for the four record set:
Disc 1
Side A
Splashscreen 01
Welcome to Blackreef
Menu - Break The Loop
Menu - Protect The Loop
Invasion Started
Invasion Updated
Invasion Ended
Rocket Man
New Discovery
A Band Apart (Frank Spicer)
Side B
Splashscreen 02
Anonymous (Aleksis Dorsey)
Colt Gameover
Colt Win
You Have No Class (by Frank Spicer)
Disc 2
Side A
Splashscreen 03
Karl's Bay
Hazardous (Harriet Morse)
Julianna Gameover
Julianna Win
Ode To Somewhere (by Frank Spicer)
Side B
Splashscreen 04
The Complex
Paranormal Activity (Egor Serling)
The Revenant (by Frank Spicer)
Disc 3
Side A
Splashscreen 05
Fristad Rock
Delirium (Fia Zborowska)
Equality Gameover
Target Killed
Lady S (by Frank Spicer)
Side B
Splashscreen 06
New Danger
Space Invader (Charlie Montague)
New Mystery Unlocked
Ubiquity (Wenjie Evans)
New Milestone Reached
Final Confrontation
New Conclusion
Déjà Vu
Disc 4
Side A
Splashscreen 07
Eternal Deathwish
Stuff Dispensers
No Saints No Sinners
Madame K
Sun Goes Down
The Moxie
Pitch Black (promotional)
Side B
Splashscreen 08
Wrong Side of the Mirror
Safe Room
The Dahlia's lounge
Automaton's Tango
Time Flies
Down the Rabbit Hole (promotional)
Here is the tracking listing for the two record set:
Disc 1
Side A
Splashscreen 01
Welcome to Blackreef
Menu - Break The Loop
Karl's Bay
The Revenant (by Frank Spicer)
Side B
Colt Win
Anonymous (Aleksis Dorsey)
Invasion Started
Ubiquity (Wenjie Evans)
Julianna Win
Disc 2
Side A
Fristad Rock
A Band Apart (Frank Spicer)
Rocket Man
Ode To Somewhere (by Frank Spicer)
Side B
The Complex
Eternal Deathwish
Final Confrontation
Déjà Vu