The first gameplay for Sonic Frontiers is here

As promised the first gameplay footage for Sonic Frontiers is here, which is an IGN video and boy, its rough, just watch for yourself.
Ignoring the technical issues, like the world popping in, the game just seems devoid of anything to do, there were no enemies, other character to talk with, just a bunch of randomly floating objects to grind along.
Sonic has never appealed to me personally, but the 2D games have had their moments, but Sonic in 3D always seems to feel like either an endless running game, or its a platformer style that is nothing short of a mess.
The developers clearly have more in store for the game, but its first showing is not giving any promise that things will get better.
Right now, the game is set to release later in the year for all platforms, but no specific date has been released.