The Maxi-Geek Show - Episode 50: A State of everything

The latest episode of The Maxi-Geek Show is available to watch on YouTube, for those that missed it live on Twitch. In this weeks show we talk about the State of Play from PlayStation, the new expansion for Forza Horizon 5 and checking out a wave of newly announced games.
Here are the links for all the stories mentioned in the episode
Jumplight Odyssey Gameplay Trailer
More titles coming to Game Pass
Atelier Marie Remake is coming
No Man's Update, PSVR2 support and more
Starship Troopers gets some class
Doom is coming to Nintendo Switch, the Tower of Doooom that is
A new Forza Horizon 5 adventure that is easy right
Reclaim your peace of mind in Terra Nil
This dog (aka you) has a lot of Humanity
The launch roster is complete and features another new fighter
Resident Evil 4 gets a new trailer and news of a demo
Suicide Squad: Is killing off the Rocksteady pedigree
We record the show live, every Friday at 7pm Sydney time over at If you want to talk about the news as we report it, be sure to stop on by and say hi.