The original Fire Emblem is finally and officially making its way out of Japan

Nintendo are known for being quite unpredictable, so who would have guessed that out of nowhere they would announced that the first Fire Emblem title, Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, would be coming to Switch and that it would also mark the first time the game has been released outside of Japan.
The game has been released in English before via fan translations, but this marks the first time Nintendo has ever done it, but rather than just release the game and call it a day, they have added a few new additions as well.
Now you can rewind battles, just in case something happens and you want to go back, you can also speed up your battles, with varying levels of speed. Perhaps the strangest thing is that while this is a NES game, it is not included in the Nintendo Switch Online service, it is a digital purchase only, which technically makes it the first Virtual Console title released.
One stupid thing though, the game is only available up until March 31, 2021, just like Super Mario 3D All Stars, no word is given as to why, just like the other one, but as it is only $9 it is not really an issue. If you want to get it, you can order it now on the eshop here.
The fancy collector’s edition will also be available here, but it will only be available from EB Games and online only, check out the tweet for more details.