The Outlast Trials is coming to consoles in early 2024

Red Barrels, the developer behind The Outlast series, launched their latest game The Outlast Trials into early access on PC, earlier this year and the feedback is already improving the game. But there has been one question the studio keeps getting asked, what about console players?
The studio has now announced that The Outlast Trials is aiming to release in early 2024 for both generations of Xbox and PlayStation, though a smaller window was not provided.
“I am immensely proud of the journey we’ve embarked on with our players. The tremendous response to The Outlast Trials Early Access fuels our passion and determination to deliver an exceptional gaming experience. As indie developers, we’ve embraced the challenges and harnessed player feedback to guide us towards refining the game’s core and ensuring its longevity on PC and for consoles.”
For those PC players who have been enjoying the game, or for those keen to see what the folks are up to, a new developer blog has been shared, providing that insight. If you want to pick up the game on PC now, you can do so, but there is no telling when it will launch in full.