The roadmap of content has been revealed for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin

Overnight Capcom hosted a Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin event, that showed off co-op gameplay, the games launch trailer, as well as the post release plans for the game, lets start with the launch trailer.
With the game set to release this week, July 9 for both Switch and PC, the launch trailer will give you an idea of what to expect in the game.
As for co-op, Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Director Kenji Oguro provided a deep look into how the gameplay is goin to work, for those that partner up with a friend on expeditions. This means exploration, combat, discovering and exploring Monster Dens and even the hatching of eggs.
Finally, they talked about the free post launch updates coming to the game, while we already knew about the first, with the Palamute from Monster Hunter Rise coming on July 15, there are four more planned through until October 2021, here are the details for them.
Title Update 2 - August 5
This update introduces the gilded Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth as a new co-op quest for Monster Riders to tackle together. While Kulve Taroth will not be available as a ridable Monstie, materials from her quest will be invaluable for crafting powerful new equipment. This update will also introduce Hellblade Glavenus and Boltreaver Astalos as additional Monsties.
Title Update 3 - early September
This update brings Soulseer Mizutsune, Elderfrost Gammoth, and Oroshi Kirin as new Monsties!
Title Update 4 - late September
The fourth update follows up with even more Monsties, such as the Dreadking Rathalos and Molten Tigrex. As part of this update, Kulve Taroth returns in a new high-difficulty co-op quest that offers Monster Riders the opportunity for even greater rewards.
Title Update 5 - October
Finally the fifth, and for now final update, will let Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian swoop in, but it will also herald the arrival of a special mysterious monster, who will be part of a highly difficult co-op quest that offers materials for crafting incredibly powerful equipment.
If you want to watch the entire stream, you can check it out below, just skip about 30 minutes in to get to the start of it.