The Xbox Developer Direct delivers new details for Elder Scrolls Online

Bethesda and ZeniMax Online Studios have officially revealed the next chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online, Necrom. Check out the beautiful cinematic trailer for the new adventure below.
Players who venture back into the world of Necrom will get to visit two new locations, The Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. If the first location sounds familiar, that is because it is found within Morrowind, specifically along the east coast. If you’ve previously explored Sadrith Mora within the island of Vvardenfell, you might be familiar with the region’s alien landscape, including its giant mushrooms and the mages who call it home.
Located in the centre of the region is the capital, Necrom and is known as the City of the Dead. While the three banners war rages on across the world, Necrom is a safe location as the history of bringing the dead here predates a lot of the world. But the city has some very mysterious histories, that you may uncover the truth of as you explore its streets and speak with those that live there.
The other location that players will explore is Apocrphya, Hermaeus Mora’s realm of Oblivion, and within you can uncover secrets hidden from mortals and Daedra alike. Home to both the followers of the Lord of Knowledge and the lost souls of those who once sought to learn its secrets, Apocrypha is unlike any Daedric realm you have experienced in ESO before.
For a few years now the major updates have come with Companions, AI controlled folks that will support you in battle and Necrom will be no different. The first new companion will be the Redguard Arcanist Azandar Al-Cybiades, someone who seeks knowledge, sometimes at the expense of other things. For those looking for a more stoic companion, the Argonian Warden Sharp-As-Night might be for you, as a very quiet fellow you will have to earn his trust before he opens up.
As with all years of Elder Scrolls Online content, the year will kick off with a new DLC that brings more dungeons for players to explore. This year it is called Scribes of Fate and in the first players will need to watch out for twisted acolytes as the battle throughout Scrivener’s Hall. For those who love the idea of a dungeon with even more danger around, then watch out for temporal magics through Bal Sunnar.
The update will arrive on March 13 for PC and Mac, with console players getting it two weeks later on March 28.
The main chapter of the year will release in June and feature around 30 hours of content for players to enjoy and that is just the story. Necrom will arrive first on June 5 for PC and Mac and like usual, two weeks later for consoles on June 20.
The third update for later in the year is actually going to be focused on quality of life updates to the game, rather than new content, but there is still some of that in the works.