Time to love everything around you with the reveal of Date Everything

Team17 have announced with developer Sassy Chap Games, Date Everything a game where you can date everything from the refrigerator to the vacuum cleaner, the laundry basket to even the air itself, no object or concept is off limits for love. Check out the reveal trailer below.
In the game, players will put on a special pair of glasses, called Dateviators and start chatting up objects around their home to find out who’s who and see what magic they can make. Each dateable object has three different relationship resolutions (Love, Friend, or Hate) leading to an endless panoply of playthroughs! With a critical path tying it all together and options for a wide array of player preferences and tastes, this game has something for everyone.
While there is no release date yet, the game will land on PC, Switch, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 whenever it does release.