Time to play some relaxing golf with A Little Golf Journey, releasing next month

Playtonic Friends have announced that they are working with developers Okidokico to bring A Little Golf Journey to both PC and Switch next month, letting players just enjoy the calm, relaxing game of golf, that strips away all the complexity, to just let you play.
Coming to Switch and PC on October 14, the game will let those who want to go for the cup, enjoy a straight forward golfing experience, but for those who are bad at the game, or decide to shoot off course, there may be things to discover.
Born from a desire to break away from the hyper-specialisation of AAA game development, A Little Golf Journey took the team at Okidokico on their own journey as they had to master all the disciplines to create their take on Golf whilst creating a relaxing, intriguing narrative with puzzles a plenty and flexibility in play which allows you, the player, to chart your own course through the world.