Tiny Tina's Wonderlands details more classes, enemies, locations and more, with the new update

2K and Gearbox have released another update video for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, that introduces two more playable classes to gamers, the spell and gun wielding Spellshot and the melee monster, the Clawbringer, check them out in the trailer below.
They were also kind enough to release information in text form for each of the characters, which you can read below, as well as scope out their designs below that.
Spellshots are gun-toting wizards who can unleash a constant barrage of spells and bullets and transform their enemies into harmless livestock with the snap of a finger. While others may view their guns as mere weapons, the Spellshot has trained rigorously until it becomes an extension of their own magical will, weaving gun and grimoire together to enhance their spells and imbue their weapons.
Clawbringers are faithful warriors who bring down thunder and flames upon their enemies with a spectral hammer alongside their fire-breathing Wyvern Companion. They are an order of warriors who seek to bring heroism to the Wonderlands. Their Dragon Aura empowers their whole party with additional damage and more.
You might think that this is all the news they had to offer this time, but you would be wrong as the update delivers a lot more, from locations to enemies and shrooms, so let’s keep going.
First up the new locations, every adventurer worth their salt knows that if you want cool stories to tell, then you have to be willing to get out there and with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, there will be a number of locations to visit.
Players will be able to enjoy the unique dangers of The Weepwild Dankness, the thick despair found in The Fearamid and the bustling gobtropolis that is Mount Craw.
A new game set within the mind of a character, set within the world of Borderlands is going to be filled with new enemies and when that mind is Tiny Tina, things can get even weirder, but regardless a good adventure pushes on. Here are just some of the new enemies that you will get to shoot in the face.
Shrooms may be cute, but they only want to tear you limb from limb. Their armored caps swing up to reveal a giant maw full of glistening teeth with your name on each one. The forest's immune system will come at you from every direction, sending germinators to launch spores at you from afar, or powerful walking colonies to stomp you flat and flood the battlefield with fungi;
Goblins are the grease-glazed thumb smudges of a sugar-addled creator who just ate two gas station burritos for afternoon tea. Small and tricky, these surly little brussels sprouts wreak havoc wherever they can. They may be individually weak, but they are dangerous in large numbers. Always tinkering, Goblins are adept with all sorts of long-range weapons and gadgets;
Trolls like one thing and one thing only: having someone to beat up. As such, you'll find them assisting the Dragon Lord's skeletal horde in their war effort and wherever you find the Trolls' feisty cousins, the Goblins. Beware their heavy clubs and hurled boulders, but keep your Ward up—a few have somehow mastered spellcasting, firmly cementing the difference between wisdom and intelligence.
And finally, the Game Guide has been updated, because what dungeon master would be complete, without a guide and talks up new loot, weapons and more.