Wanderer of the Rift Key is the next DLC to come to Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins

Square Enix have revealed the title and a brief teaser for the next chapter of Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins Season Pass. Wanderer of the Rift Key is the name and it is set to release on October 26thm check it out.
What is this all about, Square Enix are being coy, but they have released this text:
Once there was a group of warriors who fell before the darkness and gave themselves over to chaos. This is the story of what came next.
A new premonition stirs and strives to manifest into this world ruled by chaos.
It is the birth of the Light of Possibility, brought about with the aid of the dragon king,
and it is the mysterious presence attempting to intervene from a distant world...
Jack and his allies cannot possibly know whose hand directed the dragon king...
Is this next challenge awaiting them a curse from another world? A visitor?
Or perhaps something else entirely...?
This is the second piece of DLC, the first being Trials of the Dragon King, which is already out. Are you ready for more story for the game, or are you hoping for something new?