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What are Capcom working on - A look at their studios

Capcom had a pretty stellar 2021, with Resident Evil Village and Monster Hunter Rise, they those two titles dominated the sales charts when they released and 2022 could go much the same way.

Of course, as we write this, Monster Hunter Rise is about to launch on PC, our review of that is here, Street Fighter is celebrating 35 years in 2022 as well, but beyond that, we really don’t know much about what the studio is bringing to gamers around the world. That hasn’t stopped us yet though, so on with our discovery about who is up to what at Capcom.

Division 1

Series known to them: Resident Evil series, Mega Man series

Perhaps one of the most well known, in terms of the games that they create, Division 1 is where Resident Evil, Dead Rising and other global appealing titles are developed. In 2021 the team here shipped out Resident Evil Village and while there are rumours of the planned DLC coming around the anniversary of the games launch, that is not confirmed yet.

The only thing we know is that Resident Evil Re:Verse is still meant to release this year, part PvP and part Dead by Daylight, the game has the potential to be something fun, the problem is that this is not the first multiplayer spin-off for the series and the others have always faded away really fast. Beyond that, we really don’t know what else they are working on, Devil May Cry 5 hasn’t been out for too long, so maybe we might see a new Dead Rising this year, or perhaps something else like Dino Crisis and we really can’t forget the apparent remake of Resident Evil 4 that is meant to be coming.

Division 2

Series known to them: Monster Hunter series, Ace Attorney series

2021 was a great year for this development arm, they released Monster Hunter Rise on Switch, which to date has sold more than 7.5 million copies, with its PC release just days away, that number is likely to go up even higher. The team are working on the Sunbreak DLC for the game, which is currently aiming for a mid-2022 release. The team also released the Ace Attorney Chronicles collection for Switch last year, at least outside of Japan, which also gained some attention.

Beyond the DLC for Monster Hunter, we don’t know much about what this group have planned for 2022, the group oversee a lot of titles, with most of them focusing on the Asian markets first, so titles like Sengoku Basara, the last of which released back in 2016. Given the effort required to bring Ace Attorney Chronicles to the west, it would make sense for the company to port it now to other platforms, to help earn extra money, but there really isn’t anything to support that. Of course, there are expectations of a new Onimusha entry, which could be something really special for the company, if it gains attention globally.

Division 3

Series known to them: Street Fighter series, Lost Planet series

This is the group that was probably the quietest in 2021, with Street Fighter V continuing its release of fighters as part of its final season, the last character being Luke, who I say looks exactly like me. Of course, with season passes, there really isn’t as much work required, as there is with all new game development and with 2022 being the 35th anniversary of the series, there are some expectations on what we will see.

There are rumours that we will see Street Fighter 6 this year, like for PlayStation 5 and PC, which would keep the console release exclusive to PlayStation and would make sense as to why there is no more content for Street Fighter V. The division is also responsible for the Dragon’s Dogma series and there is talk of Dragon’s Dogma 2 releasing this year as well, but given we haven’t heard anything about that in detail, it is more likely we will get a trailer for it and a release early 2023.

Capcom Mobile

Series known to them: Street Fighter IV: CE, Shinsekai Into the Depths

The mobile arm of Capcom is known for creating their mobile games, funny how that works and while the studio has kept updates to titles like Street Fighter coming, their last release was a Snoopy game, but even that was back in 2020.

Given the relative quiet nature of mobile game development, until such time as the group formally announces their next game, we are just going to be sitting here in the dark, waiting and hoping for something good.

Blue Harvest LLC

Series known to them: Unknown

Apart from having a name that references the original Star Wars movie, there is next to no information on what this studio has done or is doing for Capcom. They make games for them, but that is all we know, we don’t know if they make for consoles, PC or mobile, heck we don’t know if they make their own or just support others. So, given the scarcity of information around them, if they release a game in 2022, we might never know it was them.

K2 Co., Ltd.

Series known to them: Ghosts 'n Goblins: Resurrection

Unlike the one above, this one we do know somethings about, the most recent title that they developed was Ghosts ‘n Goblins: Resurrection, while also providing support for other Capcom titles, like Resident Evil Village. Before they were a Capcom studio, the group was most well know for the Tenchu series and the Valhalla Knights series, but both haven’t had anything new in a while.

With their recent title hitting multiple platforms last year, it is unlikely that they will have a new game to release this year, but stranger things have happened, given they are also supporting other studios, we still might see their name this year.

So there you go, some likely outcomes for Capcom this year and a few guesses, how accurate they are, well we will just have to wait and see. What do you think? Were we on track or do you think we missed something? Be sure to sound off in the comments.