What Are Xbox Game Studios Working On… A Look At Their Studios

After a pretty bad 2022, Xbox needed to have a strong 2023 and they looked like they would kicking things off with their Xbox Developer Direct and shadow release of the fantastic Hi-Fi Rush, but then things got quiet again.
Most of the year was dominated by their attempt to buy Activision-Blizzard, which did close off in the end, but the studio failed to keep any sort of consistent release cadence going, though they dropped more games than PlayStation. For context, I am not counting updates to existing games like Fallout 76, but rather new releases and they had four titles in Hi-Fi Rush, Redfall, Starfield and Forza Motorsport. Three of those titles came from Bethesda and only one was Xbox Game Studios, which is telling of a greater issue.
With a lot of games expected in 2024, lets see who is up to what.
343 Industries
Last Game Released: Halo Infinite | Series: Halo series
Halo Infinite has been around for a few years now and the game has gotten pretty consistent seasons of content and The Master Chief Collection has also been given some nice touches. The problem is that 343 Industries seemingly has no idea where its going from here. Not long after we published last years Xbox feature, it was reported that a hundred or so staff were let go from the studio including important folks like Bonnie Ross, the founder of the studio and Joseph Staten who came back to Halo after leaving Bungie.
There are reports that the studio is working on another title, with the only description being “an unannounced internal project” it could be more Halo, or it could be something new. Given that Halo Infinite’s multiplayer is getting less and less players with each seasonal release, something fresh would be quite welcome. There is also the issue of Halo not really having a clear direction anymore, regardless of what 343 Industries want you to think, the stories for the last 3 games are very different and only loosely connected. Given we are more than 2 years since the last main release, there is a good chance we hear from the studio this year, if only to start teasing whatever is next.
The Coalition
Last Game Released: Gears 5 | Series: Gears of War series
2024 marks the 5th year without a game from The Coalition, yes they did work on that Matrix tech demo a few years back, but that can’t have required years to make. Even if you count Gears Tactics as one of their titles, as the stewards of the series it is technically true, that game is now 4 years old, so what is next?
Well rumours were circulating early in 2023 that the studio was working on multiple projects, which all got cancelled, except for Gears of War 6 or Gears 6 as it will likely be called. Days before this feature was published, The Coalition level designer Benjamin Huyghe responded to the Gears of War Christmas Twitter post, stating “See you in 2024 #GearsFam” Now that could be nothing, but as the say goes, where there is smoke there is fire. Given the studios silence for the last half-decade, this needs to be the year we learn what they are working on, even if it doesn’t release until 2025.
Compulsion Games
Last Game Released: We Happy Few | Series: Contrast
Going into 2023 we had no idea what Compulsion Games were working on, we knew it was something new and that it had been in development for a while. So it was a welcome surprise to see their name attached to South of Midnight at the Xbox Showcase in June 2023. When Xbox bought the studio they were only 30 people strong, but have now crossed into triple digits, so they have clearly been hiring more folks for South of Midnight.
The big question around this game is a release date, as there hasn’t been talk of one so far. Given the lack of release window, it lines up with the Xbox announcement policy of reveal the game and don’t date until its close to being done. There is talk that we may see something soon on the game, perhaps another Xbox Developer Direct, but that is just talk, so for now we just need to wait.
Double Fine Productions
Last Game Released: Psychonauts 2 | Series: Psychonaut series, Brutal Legend, Broken Age
This year makes 3 years since we last saw Raz and the rest of the gang from Psychonauts 2 and since then the studio has been fairly quiet. Well I say quiet, but I am only referring to the games they make, their Day of the Devs program has been kicking on without issue with two being hosted last year.
As for their next game, there are a few things we know and a few things we can guess, the first is bad news for Psychonauts fans as there is no 3rd game (technically fourth cause VR) in development. Tim Schafer, the head of cheese at Double Fine has stated that they were in the Willy Wonka stage back in June, which if you have seen any of the movies just means a lot of experimentation. Does that means we will get a sweet treat this year, unlikely, however a reveal or at least a tease is likely to occur later in the year.
The Initiative
Last Game Released: None | Series: None
Ah I wish I could be positive about this studio, but in the E3 2018 press conference, the reveal that The Initiative was created was met with meh reactions from the crowd. Fast forward to The Game Awards 2020 and it was revealed that they were working on a reboot of Perfect Dark. Sadly since then a lot of the leads on the project have jumped ship and the Tomb Raider folks at Crystal Dynamics have been hired to help work on the game.
Last year reports came out that the game was still years away from release, with development apparently restarting again in 2022. Does this mean we won’t see it this year, honestly its hard to say. IF and its a big if, but if the studio has nailed down their story, settings and characters, we could see a trailer for it, if only to prove its still alive. However if that work is still not completed, then expect another year of radio silence, just know that when a spy goes radio silent for too long, it tends to be bad news and this has gone well past that time limit.
Inxile entertainment
Last Game Released: Wasteland 3 | Series: Wasteland series, The Bard’s Tale series
This year makes 3 years and change since Wasteland 3 was released and the good news is that we know what the studio is working on next, Clockwork Revolution. Since its reveal at the Xbox Games Showcase in June 2023, there hasn’t been a lot revealed about the game, and likely by design as the game has no release window. Much like South of Midnight, no release window means the studio can take their time in creating the game they want and once they are sure they are near the finish line, will they date the game.
Studio founder and creative director Brian Fargo has stated that he is having more fun since the studio was picked up by Xbox and given the setting and gameplay ideas behind Clockwork Revolution, that seems to be a good thing. The big question of course is, will we see this game in 2024? I say no, if only because Xbox have a fair bit on the cards in the RPG space already and unless this game is going to release this year, showing it off would just be confusing. So don’t expect to hear much on this one until 2025.
Mojang Studios
Last Game Released: Minecraft Legends | Series: Minecraft series
Oh details. Well Minecraft Legends released last year and the studio released a few updates as the year went on, standard Minecraft got more themed content packs and Minecraft Dungeons plodded along as well.
Given the studios pedigree of releasing consistent updates to their games, we will hear from them a bit in 2024, but any major news likely won’t happen until either a June showcase or Minecraft Live in October, if either event happens.
Ninja Theory
Last Game Released: A Star Wars VR Series: Vader Immortal – Episode I | Series: Hellblade series, Heavenly Sword
Finally, after 4 years of being told its coming and years longer of it being in stages of development, Senua’s Sage: Hellblade 2 is set to release in 2024, the only catch is there is no date beyond that. The game was first officially confirmed in 2019 as the first Xbox Series X|S title and since then, the studio has been pretty quiet on news for the game. Sure they keep releasing dev diaries about their tech or process in creating the game, but nothing on the game.
One of the reasons for the lengthy development time is likely due to it being one of the very first titles created in Unreal Engine 5, something that Forspoken also had the distinction of being and if you recall, it was delayed a lot as well. This extended development time is unlikely to have let the game grow beyond its initial scope, as fans loved the first games tight gameplay and story, so don’t worry there. As for hearing about the game in 2024, well yes of course, the bigger question is how often we will hear about it and what are the odds the game gets delayed to 2025?
Obsidian Entertainment
Last Game Released: Pentiment | Series: Pillars of Eternity series, The Outer Worlds
After delivering a 1-2 punch in 2022 with Grounded and Pentiment, Obsidian went fairly quiet in 2023, which makes sense. We did get a new trailer for Avowed, which didn’t wow some gamers as it seemed to get mystical Fallout and not what they were wanting. Of course, the game has only had two trailers by this point in and one of them was more setting than anything else, so there is still quite a bit we don’t yet know about the game.
Given that is currently dated for a 2024 release, that should change and depending on when its expected to release, it could change sooner rather than later. The game is set with in the world of Pillars of Eternity, specifically a new part of Eora, so fans of that series will have something to connect to already, but for everyone else it will be all new. While The Outer Worlds 2 is still in development, apart from a trailer, this year should all be about Avowed.
Playground Games
Last Game Released: Forza Horizon 5 | Series: Forza Horizon series
2023 was an odd year for Playground Games, they kicked off the year with the release of the Rally DLC for Forza Horizon 5 and then in June we got our first look at their take on Fable. But after that, the studio went silent so odds are they are just going hard with development on Fable, with there being reports that Eidos-Montreal is assisting them, but those are just reports at this time.
So what does 2024 have in store for the studio, honestly it could be anything. While the studio is working on Fable, there has been no release date provided for it, and with another massive RPG aiming to release this year, it is possible its a 2025 title. Also, the Horizon series normally had a 2 year cycle until 4 released and then it went to three, I know the devs were grateful for the extra year, but 2024 marks 3 years since 5 released. Does this mean that Forza Horizon 6 is going to happen this year?
Last Game Released: Sea of Thieves | Series: Banjo-Kazooie series, Viva Piñata series, Killer Instinct series
Rare in name and rare in releases. After smashing out hit after hit for Nintendo, since they were picked up by Microsoft the studio has been failing across the board. Yes I know there are folks that are in love with Sea of Thieves and it has its charm, but it took the game years to get passed its broken mess at launch. Before that game released though, all we got from the studio were the Kinect Sports titles, with their last original and working game being Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise.
Sea of Thieves is turning 6 years old in 2024 and the last release from the studio, that wasn’t a collection was in 2014, so they are due for a game. Sadly the only game we know to be in the works at the studio is Everwild, which has been in ever development. Development began in 2014 and was then confirmed in 2019 and since then we have had a few trailers, the last one sadly was in 2020 and since then, radio silence. Reports have suggested that the game was rebooted after that trailer and the studio is aiming for a release in 2024, but the lack of updates on the game don’t give me hope that will happen, but I am happy to be proven wrong.
Turn 10 Studios
Last Game Released: Forza Motorsport (2023) | Series: Forza Motorsport series
As Turn 10 Studios finally released their latest game in October 2023, apart from content updates for the game and maybe a potential Horizon 6, you should not expect to see their name much this year.
Undead Labs
Last Game Released: State of Decay 2 | Series: State of Decay series
There is no hope that State of Decay 3 will release this year, there are a few reasons for that. First is that the studio likely spent much of 2023 getting more staff after a lot of folks left in 2022, with reports of a toxic work environment and sexism being the main cause. The other reason it wont release this year is that the studio handed the reigns on State of Decay 2 to Wushu Studios in September 2023, likely so they can focus on the new game.
There are also reports that the studio may have more cooking than just State of Decay 3, with former staff listing that there is more games in development. However as nothing has been confirmed there, best not to get your hopes up just yet. So will we at least see the game this year, honestly its possible. The game was first announced back in 2020 and there has been nothing since then, even Senua’s Saga 2 got more updates in that time. The game won’t release this year, but a new trailer is certainly possible.
World’s Edge
Last Game Released: Age of Empires IV | Series: Age of Empires series
2023 was a good year for console fans of Age of Empires, as both AoE 2 Definitive Edition and AoE 4 both came to Xbox. Beyond some content updates throughout the year though, there was no major news on the other two games that are coming in the series, though that should change this year. A great little nugget for my fellow Australians is that most of the work for the Definitive Editions of the games has been done by Tantalus Media and Wicked Witch.
As for the new games, there are two to look forward to, Age of Mythology: Retold, which is the Definitive Version of the Mythology spin-off and Age of Empires Mobile. Both games have not had any news for them revealed since they were announced and while there is a AoE for mobile, called Age of Empires Mobile: Return to Empire it is a China exclusive release. With all the other games out the door for both platforms and the content and patch schedule locked in at this point, hearing more about Mythology Retold is likely to happen this year, Mobile is less of a certain thing.
Working Relationships
Asobo Studio
Last Game Released: A Plague Tale: Requiem | Series: A Plague Tale series, Microsoft Flight Simulator series
Asobo Studio have been making a name for themselves over the years, partly due to their original series A Plague Tale and part in their work with Microsoft Flight Simulator. So when Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 was announced at the Xbox Games Showcase in June 2023, confirmation that they were again developing this new entry was met with great enthusiasm from fans.
Then game is aiming to release in 2024, the year in the title helps that, but the studios have confirmed it as well, the only question is when. Details on what makes this a new game, as opposed to DLC have been scarce, there are new vehicles to fly like helicopters and blimps, but that is it. For those players who have bought a lot of DLC for the current game, rejoice as that will be compatible with the new version. Now we just need to wait at the gate for boarding to commence.
Avalanche Studios Group
Last Game Released: Rage 2 | Series: Just Cause series, Mad Max
Contraband was first announced back in 2021 and since then, there has been nothing on the game. We know the game will be a co-op adventure game that is set in the 1970s, but beyond that details on how it will play are unknown. The team behind the game are those from the Just Cause titles, so they have some experience with large worlds that go boom, so maybe this will be like that, or perhaps it will swing the other way.
As we have passed 2 years since it was announced, without any sort of update, 2024 should be the year we get a trailer, if not a release date.
Kojima Productions
Last Game Released: Death Stranding | Series: None
The news that Xbox would be working with Hideo Kojima to make a new game was met with a lot of reactions when it was announced, here is a man famously PlayStation working with someone not them. Of course, since that news we had no idea what was going on with this title, or even what it was, but thanks to Kojima superfan Geoff Keighley we got a tease at the 2023 Game Awards.
A tease is all we got as there is still no clear answer what the game is going to be, but given the reactions of the faces in the footage and the addition of Jordan Peele, part of the Key and Peele comedy team and modern day horror master working on it, scares are likely. There is no timeframe on release for this one and Kojima likes to keep things to himself, so I would not expect news anytime soon on this.
People Can Fly
Last Game Released: Outriders | Series: Bulletstorm, Painkiller
The studio has a bit of a history with Xbox as they were the ones to create the Gear of War prequel game, Judgement, which let players take on the role of Baird, in events that lead into the first game. Since then the studio has done work for hire on titles like Fortnite, but also created their own thing with Outriders.
It was around a year ago that a new project was rumoured to be coming, called Project Mara and in October 2023, more details were revealed about it, with heaps of open roles going. The company now has a dozen or so locations and around 500 staff, there is no word if all are working on this new game, or just a selection, but it is unlikely we will hear anything about it this year.
Iron Galaxy
Last Game Released: Killer Instinct (2013) | Series: Killer Instinct series (modern), Ports of other games
Iron Galaxy has done great work over the years bringing games to new platforms, Skyrim and Diablo 3 to Switch, the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection to PC and more, but it was in 2015 when the studio were given control over Killer Instinct. The modern game was first made by Double Helix Games, but when Amazon bought them up Iron Galaxy took over. They released 2 and a bit seasons worth of content for the game, but it was late last year that the series got a shot in the arm.
Celebrating 10 years since the first release on Xbox One, a new Anniversary update was made for the game, which among many things put in 4K support for Xbox Series X|S, better matchmaking and more. As the studio put a bit of time into that release, expect to see there name across it again throughout this year as fixes and tweaks are released based on player feedback. Will there be a Killer Instinct 2024 edition, unlikely, but stranger things have happened.
So there you go, all the updates we could find, guesses we could make and theories we can think of, all laid out for Xbox.
With the ownership of Activision now complete, I will say this for Xbox, they need to get their damn act together. I have given them plenty of leeway over the years, with statements like oh next year will be better. But for the past few years they have failed to deliver the goods consistently, don’t misunderstand there have been good games released, but those are the exception not the norm.
I want Xbox to deliver games that are great and they have not done that in years, which considering they owned 23 development studios at the start of 2023 and now 38, not having games releasing every month is just not acceptable. Nintendo are no where near as large as Xbox are, with the developer count and they released 14 games in 2023, compared to the 4 from Xbox.
Hopefully things are changing now for the company, but they have to prove it as I am done hoping.