What type of zoo will you make? Find out this November when Let's Build A Zoo comes to PC

Publisher No More Robots have announced that their zoon building sim game, Let’s Build A Zoo from developer Springloaded Games will release onto PC on November 5, check out the reveal trailer for it below.
Let's Build a Zoo puts you in charge of your own animal sanctuary, where you can build beautiful enclosures and fill them with a whole host of different animals.
But there's a twist! A fully fledged morality system means that you can choose whether to be an angel for the animals, or take your zoo down a sinister route, erecting factories and churning your livestock through various money-making schemes.
Twist number 2! Let's Build a Zoo features state-of-the-art DNA splicing mechanics, allowing you to splice together any two animals, with over 300,000 combinations possible. Ever wondered what a Crocoduck, or an Owlybara might look like? Now you can find out!