Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has unleashed a demo for PlayStation and Xbox Series, but only for a limited time

Those lucky enough to be attending Tokyo Game Show in person, can sample many games, one such game is Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, however Koei Tecmo are being awesome and have offered up a demo of the game on consoles.
The action-packed demo features a glimpse inside a dark Three Kingdoms world gone mad and the chaotic struggle to save a once beloved land now infested by demons. Featuring swordplay ripped from the Chinese martial arts, the demo showcases the strategies and swiftness of battle, while also giving gamers a taste of online multiplayer, the character creator, and in-game abilities including vertical exploration and the importance of morale. As a bonus, anyone who clears the demo will earn the special item “Crouching Dragon Helmet”, which can be equipped and used in the main game upon release.
If you do take part in the demo, a survey will also be made available to you, so that they can collect feedback and help in the further development of the game. Those who participate in the survey will receive an original wallpaper.
If you want to get the demo, you can do so for Xbox here and PlayStation here, and if you want it, you had best do it soon as the demo is being removed after September 26th. But even worse, once the date passes, you will not be able to play the demo at all, so best get in now.
The game is coming in 2023, but there is no release date yet.