Wolfstride is finally set to land on Switch next week

Wolfstride is finally set to  land on Switch next week

Raw Fury and developer Ota Imon have announced that Wolfstride will finally strike onto Switch next week, with the news coming with a new trailer to celebrate it, check it out below.

Wolfstride is a story driven, humor-laced RPG, where you will test your mettle in an action packed mecha tournament. As a trio of cheeky criminals featuring dog-mechanic Duque, pilot Knife Leopard, and master of many talents Dominic Shade, you will battle your robot-rig that needs a lot of love.

Repair and upgrade by doing odd jobs to pay the bills, and battle the best-of-the-best all while running from the regrettable choices of the past.

It has released on PC already, so if you are not wanting to wait a few extra days, or you don’t have a Switch, you can check it out there. If you want to order it for yourself, you can do so on the eShop here.