Xbox are hosting a showcase for Tokyo Game Show

Xbox have announced that during Tokyo Game Show later this month, they will be hosting a live stream where new games and updates for a host of games will be shown, just with a focus more on the Asian markets.
Here is the little description about the showcase:
We invite fans to tune in to the Tokyo Game Show 2022 Xbox Stream where you can expect to see updates on existing titles from Xbox Game Studios and titles launching from developer partners that we hope will delight players here in Japan, across Asia and around the world.
The shows in years past have had a lot to enjoy, with some titles like Scarlet Nexus being added to Xbox Game Pass during the show. While 25% could be content that is exclusively for Japan, if you are a Xbox fan, checking it out should be something you should do.
As for when, here are all the local times:
AEST - 7pm Thursday September 15
ACST - 6:30pm Thursday September 15
AWST - 5pm Thursday September 15
NZST - 9pm Thursday September 15
As for where you can watch it, it will be on Xbox channels across a host of platforms, as well as on the official Tokyo Game Show YouTube Channel.