Yakuza Kiwami brings the series to Switch this October

Sega surprised many when they revealed that Yakuza Kiwami would be hitting Nintendo Switch this October 24, marking the series debut on Switch but also the first time the series has hit a Nintendo platform outside of Japan.
As Kazuma Kiryu, players will take the fall for a murder they didn’t commit, only to emerge from prison 10 years later with Yakuza clans on the brink of war. Set against the bustling red-light district in modern-day Japan, the critically acclaimed title features action packed fighting, romance, and side experiences galore.
The series did release two games on the Wii U in Japan, Ryū ga Gotoku 1 & 2 HD for Wii U, which strangely enough included the original HD remaster of the first game. This version is the remake of that original release, so its a bit of a convoluted story, but here we are.
The game is launching on October 24th for Switch, it is of course already on the other platforms. You can learn more about the game, if you want, on the games official site.