You won't have to save the world alone in Nobody Saves the World

Drinkbox Studios have announced that when Nobody Saves the World is released in early 2022, the game will allow you and another nobody, or a friend if you prefer to call them that, to team up via online multiplayer and save the world together.
Co-op works just like the main game, except you’re playing with a buddy. That means both of you can complete quests to level up, battle through unique dungeons, and mix-and-match abilities from different Forms. But since players can be separate Forms, each with their own customizations, there’s a whole second layer of synergies that gets unlocked in multiplayer.
You will be able to make use of each characters abilities, like guarding your friend while they attack, so discovering ways to combine abilities will be something you will want to do.
As the game is coming to Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC, the game will also offer up full cross-play on the platforms, meaning you can just enjoy playing with a mate, no matter the platform.