A release date that is more myth, Fable delays into 2026

Xbox have an official podcast, which brings in members of the Xbox leadership and other game developers to talk about their game or games, or anything Xbox related really. The most recent episode had on Craig Duncan, the former Rare boss, now leader of Xbox Game Studios.
While they talked about a number of things, you can watch it below if you are keen, one topic that came up was Fable. And bad news for those hoping for a release this year, you know like Microsoft planned, but the game was delayed into 2026. This is what Duncan said on it:
“We previously announced the date for Fable as 2025, we are actually going to give Fable more time and it’s going to ship in 2026 now. While I know that’s not maybe the news people want to hear, what I want to assure people of is that it’s definitely worth the wait.”
Now honestly, this is not a surprising move for me as when I pulled together our 2025 look at Xbox, I noted that the lack of actual gameplay, as in not story scenes, not 3 second glimpses of things, but proper gameplay, was not a good sign. They were also looking to fill a lot of roles for the game, including animators, UI artists and more, so it was also another red flag. While delays are never good, with luck the game will get the attention it needs to ship it on time.
Last year was a big year for Fable news, we got a new story trailer and it was announced that Eidos-Montreal were jumping in as co-developers on the game. So with two studios working away on the game, they have the staff, just need more time.