Age of Empires IV - Bargain Guide

Upon searching for this one, I really hesitated on if it should be posted or not, because unlike some other PC games this year, the ‘retail’ release is not actual a retail release, but just a code in a box.
Age of Empires 4 is the first new game since 2005’s release of AoE3 and while there was a MMO version of the game for selected Asian countries back in 2011, this is the first standalone title. Over the past few years, the team at Xbox have brought the other games back via Definitive Editions, but this one is all new.
As for deals, there really isn’t any, at least unless you are a first time member of Xbox Game Pass for PC, as the game will be there day one and first time members can usually get their first month for $1, otherwise you are looking around $100 across the board.
EB Games
PC - $99.95 - Link
PC - $99 - Link
Mighty Ape
PC - $89 - Link
Digital Stores
Xbox Marketplace
PC - $99.95 - Link
Game is also included in Xbox Game Pass for PC
Standard - $99.95 - Link
Digital Deluxe - $119.95 - Link
Anthology Bundle - $191.43 - Link
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Dawn of the Dukes Expansion
Lords of the West Expasion
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
The African Royals Expansion
Age of Empires IV - Digital Deluxe Edition