Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey has come to consoles today

Panache Digital has announced that Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is out now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, joining the PC release from a few months ago.
The decisions that you make will craft the story that you experience, there are no objectives given to you, no map to point the way, it is all on you. Your survival as a lineage depends on the decisions you make as a player and the four core systems of the game (senses, intelligence, communication and motricity) were built to support exploration so that you can develop your clan and species through generations.
Since the game was released on PC, the studio has been hard at work creating updates that help address issues that players have found and those updates have been included in the consoles versions, here are just a few of the improvements:
Additional tutorials and objectives
For new players, we want to help you better understand how to play the game by adding new tutorial pop-ups and RPG, Generation, and Evolution menu information. To help you get started on your odyssey, new objectives have been added to help you experience the essentials of survival.
Improved item targeting
We've improved item targeting based on gameplay context so you pick up the appropriate item for the situation. So the next time a sabretooth tiger is attacking, you should have an easier time selecting a weapon rather than a piece of fruit.
Analyzing clan members from a distance
No need to walk all the way up to your clan members anymore to see how they are doing. You will now be able to analyze them from afar and monitor their status on-the-go.
Additional mimic command
Improving the mimic command was one of your main requests and we heard you well! You can now command your clan to apply items to themselves and do complex alterations using two items like hitting and grinding.
More frequent encounters with outsiders
We've tweaked spawn rules so outsiders can be encountered more frequently.
Custom games
After evolving into a new species for the first time, you will now be able to start custom games based on a snapshot of your progress, including: species, RPG progress and completed evolution missions.