Anyone order some adventure as Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl Gold is out now

The tastiest adventure is here, with Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl Gold out now for Switch, from acclaimed RPG makers Level 5, check out what you can do in the trailer below.
Prepare for your adventures in-game by shopping at state-of-the-art convenience stores for supplies, optimizing your gear for the deceptively deep combat that awaits. Once you’re properly outfitted for battle you can hunt for treasure while dodging treacherous traps and defeating brutal bosses in demented dungeons. Use “snacks” to summon special allies that assist in battles; change up your equipment, called “jaras” on the fly; and capitalize on consumables to gain an edge in combat. Team up with friends to take down big bosses with even bigger attitudes in online and local co-op for up to four players.
We reviewed the game and found it to be a very worthy adventure, so be sure to check it out, if anything about appeals to you.