Apex Legends is taking harkening back to The Old Ways

EA and Respawn have announced that Apex Legends is about to go old school, with the next limited time event, which is set to run from April 7 - April 21, it is time for The Old Ways to shine. But before you learn about the event, enjoy this Story from the Outlands, the latest in their series, that explains more about some of the characters, this time it is about Bloodhound.
All the details you need to know can be found here, but let me give you the basics. There are daily challenges that you can compete in, to unlock some cosmetic rewards, inspired by the short above, if you have played any of the recent events, the path to unlock is very similar.
On top of that, there will be new skins that you can spend some of your hard won coins on, with a few being available for a few days, before being replaced by something new.
There is even more content to discover as well, including some new legendary skins, so be sure to visit the official site to get all the details.