Back 4 Blood drops a new update that fixes offline progression and a host of other things

WB Games and Turtle Rock Studios have announced a new update is out for Back 4 Blood and normally game updates are not something that we cover here, due to their random nature, but this update corrects something that we highlighted in our review, namely you couldn’t play the game offline solo and progress through it.
You could play the game offline, but it wouldn’t unlock levels or progression, forcing you to be online, which doesn’t sound like a big deal, but given that the game let you play solo and have the AI fill in the blanks, it seemed weird.
Here is the statement from Turtle Rock Studios on what is included in the update.
As part of today’s Back 4 Blood update, players can now jump into the solo offline campaign mode with progression and earn supply points, achievements, and other unlockables. All progression can be carried over to and from online campaign mode. The December 2021 Update also introduces “Roving Merchants” which are rotating, time-limited, supply lines that provide players with more rewards to spend Supply Points on. Through the “34th Street” Roving Merchant, players can unlock seasonal character skins, weapon skins, emblems, and sprays. This holiday specific track allows players to obtain reindeer antlers headband for Holly, snow hat for Doc, and other in-game gear to celebrate the holidays, all of which is perfectly complemented by festive decorations displayed around Fort Hope. Additionally, brand-new cards known as Burn Cards are now available through Roving Merchants and can be played in each saferoom to gain temporary effects, such as instant healing, currency boosts, increasing resistances, and more.
Of if you prefer it as a list:
New solo offline campaign mode with progression
New Roving Merchants supply lines
New seasonal character skins, weapon skins, emblems, and sprays
New cards and brand-new card type, Burn Cards
New zombie practice area
Fort Hope holiday themed decorations**
Jukebox music tracks now adjustable via music slider
Randomised character bots for solo mode
Balancing adjustments to Recruit, Veteran and Nightmare difficulty levels
More specific information on those updates above, as well as general fixes to the games balance and such can be found here, if you want to know those.