The Big Stories You May Have Missed Last Week

Each week there are a lot of news stories that come through, some are massive enough that they generate conversation, then there are those that can just slide on by.
Dawn Of Ragnarök Is Set To Expand Assassin's Creed Valhalla Next March
Ubisoft announced a while ago, that Valhalla would keep growing, with updates and fixes, but the reveal of an all new expansion, coming 18 months after the game released, proves that statement. With new powers, abilities and of course playing as Odin, this should be one great expansion
Australian Gamers Fans Can Finally Buy Games Direct From Nintendo, Without Needing A Switch On Hand
After years of waiting, local Nintendo fans can now access the Nintendo eShop system, without needing their Switch on hand, there are some restrictions still, but as there was no official option before this, it is a massive step in the right direction
After Years Of Waiting, Splinter Cell Is Back, At Least The Original Is Getting A Remake
Splinter Cell was the beginning of the Tom Clancy series of games and now the original game is getting a remake, with the team behind it aiming to keep the spirit, but embrace the new tech to make the game even better. Development has only just started, so it will be a while though
Everything Revealed During The December Indie World Event
Nintendo out of nowhere, dropped a new Indie World event, making this the last big showcase of the year and with almost 20 games, a few of which released that same day. While Silksong and other anticipated games were a no-show, there was still a lot packed within that 20 minute show
Five New Sega Mega Drive Games Have Been Added To Nintendo Switch Online Today, For Expansion Pack Owners
There have been two rules for years now, when it comes to the Switch Online classic games apps, first is that we have to wait months for games and then we get a weeks notice on them. Nintendo broke the first rule last month, revealing Paper Mario would be coming this month, which it did, but then out of nowhere they dropped 5 new Mega Drive games, no time to get excited, they were just out
So there you go, some of the bigger news that happened last week, what news made you smile. This will be the final recap of the year, but we will be back in the new year.