Battlefield 2042 upgrades the standard edition, for digital buyers at least

Earlier this morning, Electronic Arts announced that their dual-entitlement offering for Battlefield 2042 will come to more players, at least somewhat, as those who purchase the standard edition of the game digitally will gain access to both generations on the same console family.
That means if you get the game on Xbox One, you will also get an Xbox Series X|S upgrade for free, without having to buy the Gold or Ultimate editions, same for PlayStation.
Sadly though, if you are a retail buyer, you do not get a free upgrade and while the content of the game will be the same and you can still play your last gen version in next gen hardware, it won’t be the next gen game.
EA have released a nice new chart to show what is included, though the only change is the free upgrade on digital standard.
The game is getting ready for its open beta to kick off this weekend, so you can get in and get ready to enjoy some Battlefield action again.