Cross-play details revealed for Battlefield 2042

Electronic Arts and DICE have released a new lengthy blog post that goes into more detail about Battlefield 2042, you can read all of it here, the reason why it is important though is that it confirms cross-play for the game, with some restrictions.
Here is the cross-play details, taken right from the post.
We are still building cross-play functionality, and the first opportunity for us to test it with a wider, invite-only group will be within the Technical Playtest. Right now, we’d like to give you an understanding of what we’re looking to achieve as final functionality beyond the Technical Playtest, so here is an overview of what you can expect that to look like:
PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation®5 consoles
PC and console can opt-out from playing together
Xbox One and PlayStation®4 systems
What does that mean for the full game, only time will tell, but it is interesting to see them embracing it. Something else they are embracing is that the game will support cross-progression, meaning if you start your game on PC, then get a PlayStation 5, everything will move across with you, if you get the game there.
That means all your weapon unlocks, skins and everything else, so you won’t have to start all over again.
Currently, Battlefield 2042 is set to release on October 27 for PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.