Celebrate the anniversary of Hitman 2 with classic missions and more

IO Interactive and Warner Bros have announced that as the Anniversary of Hitman 2 is here this month, many classic missions making a return in the month, along with some new ones.
Everyone who has the game will have access to a wide variety of unique contracts, Worsening contracts, challenges packages, new items, clothes and an old elusive target.
Here is the list of what you can expect and on what date, with some lasting for a few days or weeks:
Old Contract Aggravation "The Dexterity Bahadur" in Marrakesh (Morocco) - November 7
Old Contract Aggravation "The Temptation Teague" in Paris (France) - November 7
Challenge Pack "The Great Theft" in Whittleton Creek (Vermont / USA) - November 7
Contract Aggravation "Audacity of Montague" in Santa Fortuna (Colombia) - November 14
Exclusive contracts "Special Occasions" - November 14
Old Challenge package "The Seer Master" in Marrakesh (Morocco) - November 14
Old Challenge package "Death and the Maiden Art" in Hokkaido (Japan) - November 14
Live broadcast of "Birthday of a year HITMAN 2" in the channel twitch of IO Interactive - November 18
Challenge Pack "Blake's Contract" in Sgàil Island (North Atlantic) - November 21
Old Contract Aggravation "The Arthin Occultation" in Bangkok (Thailand) - November 21
Old Contract Aggravation "Darkness Szilassi" at Sapienza (Italy) - November 21
Old Challenge package "Apprentice Plumber" in Sapienza (Italy) - November 21
Old Target elusive "The Fixer" in Marrakesh (Morocco) - From November 22 to December 2
Contract Aggravation "Bartholomew Hornswoggle" in Haven Island (Maldives) - November 28
Contract Aggravation "The McCallister Ransack" in Whittleton Creek (Vermont / USA) - November 28
Contract Aggravation "The Quimby Quandary" in Sgàil (North Atlantic) - November 28
With that much content, there has never been a better time to revisit the world of Agent 47.