Checking out GoGo Town - Preview

We were recently invited by Xbox to check out some indie titles that are coming to Xbox via the iD@Xbox program, one of those titles was GoGo Town. We got to see gameplay of the title and here from the developers about the game, so let’s dive in.
So what is the game all about?
Welcome to GoGo Town Mr Mayor. You were thrown into the job, literally and your first task is to build up resources, by mining stone and cutting down trees, thankfully no axe here, you get a chainsaw. Once you have gotten enough resources, you can start building houses, shops and an assortment of decorative items, in order to make the town grow. Growing doesn’t mean just throwing buildings down and calling it a day, as you have full control over the look and layout of the town, make it a modern metropolis or take things back to a more laid out look, the choice is yours.
So a lot of spreadsheets are in play here right?
No, thankfully. The game lets you walk, run and even drive around town to achieve your tasks that you need to do. This can be as simple as cleaning the street or harvesting honey, there is a lot going on and finding a good balance of things to do will be a challenge. Another challenge comes in the form of tourists, as there is a train station within your town and daily it brings folks who want to explore all your place has to offer. Some of them will stay and you then need to build houses and the loop continues from that point on.
This sounds like a lot of work, is there anything fun to do?
Of course, you might be a mayor but you are not in it alone. When life is getting a bit to much, you can leave your townsfolk to their tasks and head off below ground, to explore a labyrinth of tunnels. If below ground is not for you, then jump into a car and just drive around in the outback like a mad man. However if both needs to happen at the same time, then you can call in for support, as the game offers co-op play, up to 4 players via couch play at first, online later. With a friend or three in the mix, you can divide up the tasks, send one folk out to get timber, another can lay down new roads, while the others build up new houses.
Tasks means tracking, is that here as well?
Yes, you can track your towns growth and progress as you play the game. If you want to get your town to be the best little town this side of the Nullarbor, you will have to work towards achieving the targets. Once you do, you can use the rewards to invest in your tech tree, which can unlock new shops, houses and decorations, ensuring that you can make your town look exactly how you want it to. There is a lot more to unpack, but our look at the game was short
The game has no release date yet, but it is coming to PC and consoles, the exact platforms are not confirmed at this time though.