Checking out Inkonbini - Preview

We were recently invited by Xbox to check out some indie titles that are coming to Xbox via the iD@Xbox program, one of those titles was Inkonbini. We got to see gameplay of the title and here from the developers about the game, so let’s dive in.
So what is the game all about?
Inkonbini is a narrative adventure game that takes place within a Japanese convenience store, also known as a konbini. You are Makoto Hayakawa and it’s the summer holidays in 1993 and you are helping out your aunt, by working behind the counter of her store. When you can, you will need to stock the shelves, order in new stock and tidy up where needed, but you will also have the chance to speak with a number of customers. These are not conversations that start with welcome and end with thank you come again, but rather you will actually learn who they are, what is going on in their life and provide help based on what you know about them.
Does that mean its like Supermarket Simulator or other games of that ilk?
The game is based on a Japanese concept called ichi-go ichi-e or one time, one meeting. Which in this instances means that your interaction with someone might end up being the only one you have, based on what you say and do, so you must embrace the importance of every moment you have presented to you. These moments can happen just by someone walking into the store, but they can also happen when that someone goes looking for an item, that they may not be able to find.
So stocking shelves, is that important?
It is, as the items you have out are not going to remain in that space when you come back the next day. Remember you are just one member of the team and someone may have taken the time to put bread in a fridge. Restocking is just one part, you also need to make sure that the labels for the items are facing the right direction, that the price tags are visible and more. It isn’t just putting the shelves in the right way, putting chairs away, picking up papers and trash, all of it has an impact on the store and what customers will think when they walk in. As customers walk the store to get their items, they will make comments about things, items being in stock again, the fact that they can’t read things as they are the wrong way around. These events will give you more opportunities to create different narrative moments with the customer, so ensuring that the store is ready to go, before it opens is important.
Can you decide the fates of those that visit?
No, while you can impact their choice of drink or even the things they want to tell you, outside of the store their goals are still their own. Your task is simply to help them out with their shopping and maybe answer a question or two.
The game is aiming to release in early 2025 for Xbox Series X|S, PC, Switch, Mac and PlayStation 5