Companions are coming to The Elder Scrolls Online, within the Blackwood expansion

During the reveal stream for Blackwood, the upcoming expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online, it was revealed that Companions would join the game, as part of it, meaning that you can once again have your very own Lydia to block doors on you.
No, what it means is that if you are like me, a solo player, you can opt to have a buddy join you, once you have complete the required quests in Blackwood, to then journey all around Tamriel with you, but these are not just glorified pack mules.
Once you have a companion, you can level them up, equip them with the gear you want and even have conversations with them, which should make adventuring a little more interactive, One of the nicer aspects is that you will also be able to set their combat behaviours, ensuring that your companion does not Leroy Jenkins you.
If just telling them when to get involved in a fight, that would be great, but you can also customise their abilities, to really help them dial into how you fight.
The best news is that they are always going to remain by your side, no matter which part of the world you return to, so if you want to, you could explore the entire world again, with your new friend. The only real catch, PvP is an area where they might not be allowed to join, which makes sense given it is called PvP not P&companion-v-P.
More information is set to be released as we get closer to the June release of Blackwood, so look forward to that.