Control expands today as The Foundation is set

Remedy Entertainment have announced that Control, their latest gaming opus, has expanded today on PlayStation 4 and PC, with the release of The Foundation, the first of two planned expansion packs. The content is going to hit Xbox One in late June.
The Foundation sends players spiraling into the history of the Oldest House. Jesse is alerted by the mysterious Board that a situation has arisen in the bedrock of the establishment. A mysterious structure called the Monolith has been damaged and the Astral Plane is leaking into the Foundation. If Jesse can’t stop it, the Oldest House, along with the Bureau of Control, will be consumed by this invading and infectious dimension.
The second expansion, only known as AWE is expected sometime this Winter, but no exact date, or details are yet to be revealed.
Available to Control players on all platforms today is a free update including improved map readability, the new Shield Rush ability and revised Ability tree with the option of reallocating spent ability points and other quality of life improvements.