Credit For Xbox One X Cyberpunk 2077 Bundle Purchases After Expansion Moves Next Gen

Released way back in June 2020, the Xbox One X Cyberpunk 2077 Console was meant to be a complete package for those who bought it, bringing them into the games world. While the console and controller released as planned, we all know the game was delayed again.
The bundle, seen below, also included a copy of said game and access to the first expansion for it, which at the time was not detailed. Of course when the game launched, Xbox One owners found themselves to be playing a game that was less than ideal, Xbox One X owners were better off, but not by a whole lot.
Fast forward to 2022, a little more than 2 years after the console bundle released and the expansion was officially revealed. Called Phantom Liberty, it would send players back to Night City with new characters and story, except only for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC.
Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners were left in the cold here, no expansion for them. While the game was given some big updates, it still wasn’t quite what was promised and now there was no expansion to come. The bundle above also was stated to receive the first expansion only, indicating there were more planned.
Now though, CD Projekt Red have finally confirmed to me about what owners of the bundle can expect, given they are not getting the promised expansion. Below is the full statement.
“Owners of the Xbox One X - Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition Bundle will receive a reimbursement for the expansion in the form of Microsoft Store credits.”
While it is nice that they are doing that, I am sure those players who have not yet upgraded their console, would rather prefer the expansion, but hey, this is better than nothing.