Descenders is ready to ride next week

Descenders, the downhill rouge-like game from developers No More Robots is about to make the jump from early access to full release, in fact that event is happening next week on both PC and Xbox One.
The game has been in early access for 15 months and in that time has received six major content updates, but when the version number hits 1.0 it will score another major one. Players will be able to enjoy:
• Online multiplayer
• New Destiny-styled central hub filled with players
• Bike with strangers, or lobby up with friends
• Double the content, with 4 whole new worlds, including Jungle and Favela
• New music, new modes, new tweaks, new customization, tons of new stuff
Perhaps the best news, if you are not sure about the game, on Xbox One it will be releasing to Xbox Game Pass on that same day.