Destroy All Humans this July as the game has a release date

“Greetings, fleshy Earthbeings.
Cryptosporidium here, though you skin-wrapped water wads can call me Crypto-137.
I wanted to let you know that my Abducto Beam is finally ready and I’m journeying Earthwards right now. If my calculations are correct then P-Day - that’s Probe-Day to you mortal meat morsels - is set for July 28th, 2020. On that day I will officially Destroy All Humans!
I’ll see you future-victims soon on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One!”
That’s right, THQ Nordic have announced that Destroy All Humans!, the remake of the original game, will hit all platforms, on July 28 and having played bits of this at trade shows over the past 12 months, I for one can not wait to welcome our new alien overlord.
In the game you will terrorize the people of 1950s Earth in the role of the evil alien Crypto-137. Harvest DNA and bring down the US government in the remake of the legendary alien invasion action adventure. Annihilate puny humans using an assortment of alien weaponry and psychic abilities. Reduce their cities to rubble with your flying saucer!
Players will have a few choices when it comes to getting the game, there is the base version of the game, which includes the game, but if you want something more, than look at the DNA Collector's Edition.
If you want the best money can buy and you have the money for it, then the Crypto-137 Edition is one to check out as it is loaded with goods.
All editions are available from EB Games and are exclusive to the retailer, click here to see them all.