Dragon Quest Builders 2 is planning a PC release

Square Enix have announced that Dragon Quest Builders 2 will soon make its debut on PC, after having successfully launched on Switch and PlayStation 4.
The release will come packed with all the updates and content released since the games launch, as well all the content from the season Pass, including new content, recipes, hairstyles, clothing and new areas to explore. This includes the Hotto Stuff Pack, Aquarium Pack and the Modernist Pack DLCs.
From today through January 6, 2020, budding builders that pre-purchase or purchase the game early on STEAM will receive bountiful in-game bonus content that will allow players to customize their Dragon Quest experience including the following:
Ornamental Medicinal Herb Recipe
Dragon Quest Logo Recipe
Ornamental Chimaera Wing Recipe
Five Sigil Block Recipes for building decorative blocks with sun, stars, moon, water and soul motifs
Legendary Line Art Recipe
Lo-Res Luminary Recipes
Those looking to build and save the world on PC, will be able to do so on December 10