E3 2019 - Checking out Marvel's The Avengers

There was a lot of speculation and hype as to just what the Avengers game from Square Enix would be, leading into E3 2019, including the name of it and during the press conference that they hosted, we got our first look. Later on, I got to sit in a behind closed doors demo, to see more of the game in action, including how each of the characters announced plays.
The demo started out much as it did on stage, with the Avengers arriving for A-Day, complete with the Golden Gate bridge in the background, but just as things are starting there, there is an explosion from the bridge and the Avengers get involved. As Iron Man and Thor can fly, the two of them are sent ahead and it is here where the gameplay begins, as Iron Man, he flies toward the bridge, shooting down debris that has found its way in the air, but also a host of enemies that are shooting at him as well. The section appears to be on rails, similar to how Star Fox or Panzer Dragoon play out, there was no indication that free flight is an option, but one can hope that we are locked to rails, only when the fighting is required, but after taking down some enemies, the camera cut over to Thor, who was also mid-flight.
His flight thankfully did not last long as he landed soon after and we got to see combat in action and for the most part, if you thought the Batman Arkham series, you would not be to far off. Of course, there are additional perks to playing as the God of Thunder, as Mjolnir was able to not only bash enemies, but also hold them in place to walls and such. A lot of the gameplay was sectioned off into chunks and once the enemies in that space were cleared, Thor could take out the blockage that was stopping us from moving forward and after a few of those, the action swapped to the next Avenger, Hulk.
In the public footage, we got to see Bruce leap from the quinjet and then Hulk land on the bridge, but in the private demo, we saw it all and there is nothing secret, the transformation is just what we were all expecting, it was just an odd cut. Once back in control though, Hulk was wailing on enemies, using moves that gamers might recognised from The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, as well as the ever popular ‘Puny God’ attack from the MCU. Along the way though, tanks and other vehicles were also destroyed as Hulk began to deal out massive amounts of damage, though just as he is about to land a big attack, Iron Man and Thor come flying in, because word has come through that a SHIELD transport was hijacked whilst it was on the bridge and it is heading their way.
Turns out the transport was carrying a Stark designed sonic weapon, which for some reason is capable liquifying people and Taskmaster, who stole it, has just turned it on. What takes place now, is a fight between Black Widow and Taskmaster, after she gets in close enough to steal the detonator. Taskmaster is an interesting choice for a boss fight, or as it is likely meant to be a mini-boss, as he learns the moves of his opponents as he fights them and that comes into effect here, Widow is able to beat him up with ease early on, but he learns and adapts, leaving her without her edge. But she is Black Widow and has a bevy of skills and gadgets, including the ability to turn invisible, which gives her an edge again.
While all that is happening Captain America is on the Helicarrier still, where A-Day was happening and it has begun to take off, and now as him, we get to flip and play some ultimate frisbee as hijackers are attempting to steal the ship. But before things can go to much further, we cut back to the action on the bridge, only to lose contact with Rogers on the ship, before it soon blows up, we then get a look at an extended version of the scene with Tony and Bruce having a moment in the park, in front of a statue mourning the death of Captain America.
The action was fast paced and looks a treat, with a lot of flourish to be had, but I am concerned that the game is by the numbers and while that is not such a bad thing, the games development has been so long that I would have expected something more. This of course is just the first time we are seeing the game, so there is hopefully, more to be shown of it and that will correct the early assumptions, but for now, I am holding back any excitement, until I know more.