Elite Dangerous: Odyssey gets a new update that adds in some killer wheels

Frontier have announced that the next update for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is here and in update 9 players will find some changes and improvements, as well as the introduction of the Scorpion, a vehicle built to tackle Odyssey’s extensive new on-foot combat action.
Capable of speeds of over 50mph, the Scorpion has been designed as a twin-seat infantry support vehicle able to handle Odyssey’s planetary conflicts, with a driver and a gunner operating autonomously to take down threats. Alternatively, a single occupant can drive and control weaponry at the same time, safe in the knowledge that the Scorpion’s reinforced shielding and armour will stave off all but the heaviest fire.
Players can also take the fight to both ground and aerial threats with two pieces of weaponry as standard; take care of waves of infantry with the Surge Repeater’s high-powered laser, or protect the skies with the Aculeus Launcher's tracking missiles.
Update 9 will also introduce the Multi-Limpet Controller for Odyssey and Horizons players, a new module type that works in addition to existing limpet controllers, allowing players to deploy multiple limpet types using a single module slot. This new controller is not intended to replace the existing dedicated limpet controllers and will be balanced against these within the game, allowing basic use of multiple limpet types without a dedicated slot for each.
The Multi-Limpet Controller comes in a variety of different types; Xeno, Rescue, Mining, Operations and Universal. Whether you’re embarking on your next adventure, seeking your next big haul or resisting the long-arm of the law, you’ll be prepared.
Players can purchase the Scorpion SRV (Elite Dangerous: Odyssey players) from military economy ports and the Multi-Limpet Controller (all Elite Dangerous players) from most ship outfitting services, depending on the controller’s role.