Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is launching a massive update this week, bringing a close to The Azimuth Saga

Frontier have announced that The Azimuth Saga, a long running storyline for Elite Dangerous, will reach its epic conclusion this week, when Update 13 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is released.
The Azimuth Saga began back in October 2020, with the mysterious appearance of an abandoned 200-year-old Megaship – The Adamastor. This also coincided with the emergence of Salvation, an enigmatic and contentious figure who, over the next 18 months, would oversee a series of major victories against the Thargoid threat, using a new and increasingly powerful prototype Anti-Xeno weapon.
Following a series of major victories, Salvation accumulated the backing of the three main superpowers in the Elite Dangerous galaxy – The Alliance, Empire and Federation. Recently, however, and perhaps too late, Commanders discovered grim revelations about Salvation’s true identity, personal history and unethical research methods. Despite this, the superpowers remain committed to Salvation and trust that he will put an end to the Thargoid threat.
If you have been jumping in and out over the years and have forgotten some of the earlier story, or just want a refresher on the timeline, there is a rundown of everything that has happened over the seven acts and updates. You can read it all here and there is a lot to read, so enjoy.
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is available to purchase now on PC. Where as Elite Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons are available on Xbox, PlayStation and PC.