Hands on with Turbo Golf Racing - Preview

Have you ever had a dream about being in controlled of a high powered golf buggy and smashing a giant golf ball around a racing track whilst trying to be the first one amongst your friends to smack the ball into its adequately sized hole? I can’t say that I have but I am sure somebody out there has, and if that is you then you can thank the heavens for Hugecalf Studios as not only do they share your dreams they have created the ultimate platform for you to live them out. We recently got our hands on their upcoming new title Turbo Golf Racing and we are here to give you the rundown!
At first glance it would be easy to dismiss Turbo Golf Racing as a game that is trying to cash in on the massive success of Rocket League, especially where the graphics and arena design are concerned but this couldn’t be further from the truth. For a start Turbo Golf is less of a team game and more of a situation where it is every man for himself, as each player has their own giant golf ball and the aim is to zoom around the arena trying to be the first person to smack their oversized ball into the designated hole at the end of the course, sounds simple but of course your opponents are out for your blood so they can be the first to sink their own ball and can spoil your day with a variety of power ups including guided rockets that they can unleash on you. The game is colourful, fast and frenetic and will certainly require a lot of skill to master in saying that though the game is easy to pick up and play thanks to the cars feeling remarkably intuitive to control.
Thankfully the game features a robust challenge and reward system including a season pass. By completing points and challenges in various matches you will earn currency (this is only earnable in game and there is no real cash transactions in the game, which is refreshing.) You can spend your hard earned coins in the games shop and buy items to customise your car and avatar and there really are quite a lot of options to choose from so that you can make your particular vehicle stand out from the competition. The customization doesn’t stop there though and you can further customise your car and even your playstyle by unlocking what are known as cores. Each car has an active and passive power socket and into these you can slot the aforementioned cores that will give you powers such as being able to magnetise the ball to your car, increase the amount of boost you have or even equip yourself with a double dash. The core system is a great idea and definitely adds another layer to the game as you can never be sure what powers the opponents you are facing will have equipped.
If you are a fan of Rocket League it’s safe to say that you are going to feel right at home here especially with the games controls and you will most likely have a great time playing Turbo Golf Racing. I am not a huge fan of Rocket League myself but I found myself having a great time playing the game, even the fact that I am not that great at it didn’t frustrate me in fact it just spurred me on to jump back in and get better. Turbo Golf Racing is a great game to just pick up and play whenever you only have half an hour or so of spare time and the games reward systems will keep you coming back in order to upgrade and improve your cars.
The game is out in early access now and it will be interesting to see how the developers continue to improve the game as it goes through its early access period, if you are on the fence about buying it though it feels really polished for an early access title and if you are a fan of games like Rocket League or even Mario Kart you will have a ball (pun intended) racing around while playing Turbo Golf Racing.