Explore Venice and find lots of hidden objects as you do with Sophia the Traveler

Thermite Games and developer Memo Gogo have announced that Sophia the Traveler will arrive onto PC and Switch on April 11th, giving players a chance to enjoy a lot of hand crafted art, as they scour the city of Venice for lots of hidden objects.
The the game you will get to explore a world brought to life by over 1800 unique character assets and more than 300 sets of dynamic animations. With over 100 sequence animations and an array of captivating sound effects, the game offers incredibly immersive experience.
Delight in the challenge presented by expansive stage maps, while marvelling at the intricacies of the European buildings, including some iconic Venetian landmarks. It won’t just be the sights, as the sounds will also help breathe life into the bustling streets and tranquil canals of Venice.
“In crafting this game, we spent years virtually exploring every inch of Venice through Google Maps and travel books, just to accurately recreate this romantic city, and now, we can’t wait to let Sophia the Traveler take all of our players to experience Venice’s magic firsthand, even if they haven’t had the chance to visit.”
The game is clearly taking inspiration from Where’s Wally and that is something I am on board for. The game will release on April 11th for Switch and PC.