Fallout 76 adds a survival mode to the game.. in beta form

Bethesda have announced that Fallout 76 has a new mode for players to try out, Survival and it is available in beta form on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game.
Players will find new ways to experience the game, as the mode is seperate from the base game, meaning that there are fewer player vs. player (PVP) restrictions, higher stakes for PVP combat, scoreboards, and more.
Those who stick to Adventure mode, the mode that shipped with the game, will be happy to note that damage dealt to you by players you are not hostile with to zero, is being reduced across the board. The official Fallout blog has all the details and there are a lot of them, so you should head there to give it a read, a small portion is below though, to give you a taste.
Survival is our new, more competitive game mode featuring rule changes surrounding PVP combat, death and respawn mechanics, and even a 20% bonus to the XP you’ll earn while playing. As we shared in a previous article, everything you can currently do in Adventure —quests, events, and exploration— will still be available to you in Survival. Your current progress with any existing characters will transfer between Survival and Adventure as often as you like, and anything that affects them in one mode will also be reflected in the other.
Does this new mode make you want to venture back into the Wasteland? Or are your adventures finished?