Far Cry 6 - Bargain Guide

New Far Cry games are always a treat, basically giving you an open world in which to explore and of course, blow stuff up.
Far Cry 6 was due out earlier in the year, but was delayed until now, sadly in all that time though, they didn’t manage to trim down the number of options in how to get the game. Across all stores, physical and digital, there are six different options for the game, from the base game on its own, to ones with statues, steelbooks and more.
As for discounts, you can just get the base game pretty cheap, which if you want to buy the season pass on its own, is a much better deal than bundling them, but that will only be before launch.
Antón & Diego Castillo Lions of Yara Figure - $89.95 - Link
Digital Stores
Xbox Marketplace
Standard Edition - $99.95 - Link
Gold Edition - $149.95 - Link
The Libertad Pack
Season Pass
Ultimate Edition - $161.95 - Link
The Libertad Pack
Season Pass
The Ultimate Pack
- The Vice Pack
- The Croc Hunter Pack
- The Jungle Expedition Pack
PlayStation Store
Standard Edition - $99.95 - Link
Gold Edition - $149.95 - Link
The Libertad Pack
Season Pass
Ultimate Edition - $179.95 - Link
The Libertad Pack
Season Pass
The Ultimate Pack
- The Vice Pack
- The Croc Hunter Pack
- The Jungle Expedition Pack